Saturday 22 April 2017

Day 18 - Cutting the sound hole, carving the harmonic bars, and sanding the lattice

I cut a piece of plywood to fit under where the sound hole would go.

I drilled thought the sound board into the plywood.

I cut the sound hole with a dremmel. The plywood gave the anchor for the dremmel additional depth for stability.

I carved the harmonic bars with a chisel.

I sanded the lattice bracing.

I revisited the back braces to carve the edges down further. 

I cut channels in the sides for the back braces to go.

I carved the channels until all the back could sit tight against the sides.

Friday 21 April 2017

Day 17 - Carving the lattice bracing

I carved the lattice so that it thins out towards the edges using a chisel and a small plane. 

I thinned the tops of the lattice bracing with a chisel.

I used an electric nail file to clean up the edges and remove any remaining shavings. 

I remade the sound hole strengthening piece to be a better fit. 

I glued the strengthening piece to the soundboard. 

Sunday 9 April 2017

Day 16 - Glue lattice to soundboard and make remaining soundboard braces

I cut a piece of 5mm plywood the same size as the lattice.

I marked out the lattice on the plywood so that when i glued it I would be able to see where the pressure should be applied.

I glued the lattice to the soundboard in the go deck, using the plywood to protect the lattice.

I made the harmonic bar braces using the disk sander and the radiused sanding board.

I planed the braces to 7mm thick.

I measured and traced the positions of the braces on the soundboard.

I made the strengthening piece for under the fretboard.

I glued the remaining braces to the soundboard.

Friday 7 April 2017

Day 15 - Thinning the soundboard and finish building the lattice

I thinned the soundboard to 2.7mm.

I finished cutting the grooves to fit the lattice pieces together.

I glued the lattice pieces together.

I marked the lattice with chalk.

I sanded the chalk away until it was all clear, meaning that the edges were smooth and matched the radius of the 25-foot radiused sanding board.

I marked the dimensions for the strengthening piece for the sound hole.

I cut the inside hole on the drill press.

I roughly cut the outside on the band saw.

I finished the outside of the strengthening piece on the disk sander.

I marked the edges of the guitar on the soundboard as well as the inside border of the kerfing.