Saturday 17 June 2017

Day 23 - Planing the bindings and cutting the neck

I removed all the masking tape that was holding the bindings in place.

I planed the bindings on the top and back with a block plane.

I used a scraper to cut the bindings flush with the sides.

I measured and drew the outline of the neck onto mahogany.

I cut the outline of the neck on the band saw.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Day 22 - Glueing the bindings

I sanded the end graft smooth so that the trim router would pass across it with no bumps.

I used the trim router to make a second groove around the edges for the perfling.

I trimmed the bindings to fit the sides, leaving a couple of millimetres to spare.

I glued the bindings and perfling into place and clamped it with masking tape.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Day 21 - Bending the bindings

I bent each of the four bindings using the bending iron and matched the curves against the mold.

I used the trim router to trim the edges so that the bindings will fit.