Thursday, 16 February 2017

Day 2 - Adding the back braces

I measured where the back braces should go and used a chisel to cut notches in the centre seam.
I shaped the braces by sanding them on a radius dish covered with sandpaper.

I thinned the braces to 6.5mm with a hand plane.

I attached the braces to the back and applied pressure using a go deck without glue. At this point I realised that I had made a mistake - my sanded surface was not sanded to a perfect 90 degree angle. That's why it was important to first attach without glue - too test for this. It was too late for me to sand it any further because I would then have made my braces too thin so I had to start the braces all over again from scratch.

The second time round was just right, so after another dry run, I glued the braces to the back and applied pressure in the go deck, leaving them to dry.

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